

The Benefits of Buying Re-Manufactured Vehicle Parts


As a vehicle owner, it is inevitable that at some point, one of your vehicle parts will malfunction or fail. When this occurs it’s often a first thought to buy a brand-new part to replace it, but this can prove to be a very costly option, particularly if the new part is purchased directly through your dealership. This is the reason many people now turn to re-manufactured parts when something goes wrong, as not only are these a cheaper option, they are also a reliable option, with parts often carrying the same warranties that you would receive with the brand-new alternative.

One thing that gets many car owners confused, is the difference between second-hand and re-manufactured car parts. A second-hand car part is a previously used part, which has been stripped from a car no longer needing it, often due to accident write offs or older cars which have been sent off to be scrapped. These types of parts are usually the cheapest to purchase, however they often won’t have been properly tested, don’t come with any warranties and often there is no way of telling how old the part is, how many miles the part has covered or how well the previous owner maintained it – this means that buying a cheap second-hand part comes with some risks.

A re-manufactured part, on the other hand, is an original manufacturer official used part, which has been carefully cleaned, stripped down, and had any worn components replaced. Most people can’t tell the difference between a brand-new and a re-manufactured part, and they are finished to such a high-quality standard that they are just as reliable too. Like brand new parts, these parts usually come with a warranty and are expected to have the same lifespan, but with a cheaper price tag! Re-manufactured parts are also seen to be a more environmentally friendly option by keeping parts out of the re-smelting process for longer and by massively reducing the amount of raw materials and energy required to produce them, in comparison to the amounts required when building brand new parts. This makes re-manufactured parts a very appealing option to anyone looking for a reliable part at a good price, or anyone who is looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

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