

Why you Should take Extra Care to Avoid Potholes


Potholes are formed when water seeps through small cracks in the tarmac, and due to the water freezing and expanding (in cold Winter weather) or due to soil erosion (in warmer Summer conditions), unsupported pockets are created below the road’s surface, and eventually, the continued pressure from passing vehicles causes these weak patches to collapse – thus forming a pothole!

When driving, it’s common knowledge that we should avoid hitting potholes wherever possible, however every now and then it’s inevitable that we’re going to clip one. When this does happen, your car will need to be checked for signs of pothole damage! After hitting a pothole, as soon as it is safe to do so, pull over and check the following parts of your car…

When you hit a pothole, the tyres are the most common place damage occurs – this could range from a small chip in the outer rubber, to a complete blowout. For the latter, you’ll most likely be aware of this immediately, as blowouts tend to be accompanied by a loud bang and cause significant driving difficulties. However, even if you don’t experience a blowout, this doesn’t mean that you’re in the clear! Ideally, the best way to check your tyres thoroughly will involve lifting each wheel up from the ground with a jack, so that you can check all sides of each tyre. You should be checking carefully for any signs of bulging, tread separation, tears and flats – and if you notice anything out of the ordinary, keep your car off the road until the tyre has been professionally patched or replaced.

Another common damage point is with the wheel itself, whether you have alloys or not, the wheels need checking visually. Look out for any cracks or signs that the wheel has been bent or dented, particularly in the areas where the rim meets the tyre. Wheel damage can cause a break in the airtight seal, which can lead to complete tyre failure or a blowout. If any damage is present, your wheel may need repairing or replacing completely, so keep your vehicle off the road until you’ve had it cleared as safe by a professional.

Hitting a pothole can also cause damage to your exhaust, especially if you are driving a lowered vehicle – if you suspect any faults, stay safe and have it inspected. If a hole forms in your exhaust it can not only cause a loss of power, but can also make your car emit more harmful gasses than usual, which is unsafe for you and passing pedestrians to breathe in.

Suspension and Steering:
If you notice your vehicle handling differently whilst driving, such as loose steering or pulling to either the left or right, some of your suspension or steering components may have been bent or damaged by the pothole, or the alignment of one or more components may have been compromised. Leaving a suspension or steering issue unresolved can lead to uneven and increased tyre wear in the future, and a potentially dangerous weakness in your suspension or steering components. If these parts are damaged and need replacing, it is always worth considering the benefits of using a re-manufactured part.

If in any doubt about the toll a pothole has taken on your car, take it to a professional to be checked over thoroughly – missing damage could lead to a future serious road traffic collision with a potentially fatal outcome.

When it comes to hitting potholes, it may sound like a bit of a cliché, but prevention is always better than cure, so always take extra care to check the road ahead of you and avoid driving into potholes whenever it is safe to do so. It is also worth considering an alternate route if any roads you need to travel along are particularly prone to surface damage.

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